Wednesday, October 13, 2010

For the boys.

I have had a couple of complaints from male counterparts that say although they do read and enjoy my blog they feel a little left out in terms of subject matter. So here goes their most beloved thing of all:
There once was a time that they were frowned upon by the masses, thought to be only for sailors and lumberjacks. They were only adopted by brave "alternative musicians" and their followers. This all has changed. The beard and Mustache phenomenon is slowly taking over the faces of men everywhere.The "trend" is an extremely glittery one (perceived as super cool/kief/rad) and for the most part it is. The thing which makes me sad though is this:
Locnville's attempt at facial hair.

So there are some downsides, like people that really really can't rock a beard, trying to.
and also that mustaches are a must-have on the hipster wishlist.

[god,help us all]

So the facial hair-a-thon that has gripped the world should more than likely not grip every face. I believe that to pull off a beard you need to have an almost majestic strongly masculine feel.Be a true beliver and lover of the beard. Like these people:

Every Time I die Guitarist: Andy Williams

Folk king: Devendra Banhart

Andy Hull of Manchester Orchestra

Dallas green

Delicious French connection model.

 Dylan Blake, Geologist

 Andre Pereira- Vocalist for Sesling 

 Sam Beam- Iron and Wine

Gideon De Kock- Bassist:Like Knives & YS!MM

 Dash Snow- Artist

 Paul Rudd-Actor

 Ciaran Coetzee- Snor enthusiast

Mark smith- Explosions in the sky
Werner Olckers-Wrestlerish
Karl Schulschenk-Pirate

Brett Allen-White- Copywriter/bassist

do you all get my point? the beard trend doesn't always glitter but hell, real beards grown by real men.
THOSE are purely golden.

[i apologize for any epic beards i may have skipped. 
Comment who you want mentioned and i'll upload them ]


  1. Yeah, that picture of me in a suit totally goes with my occupation haha. It should actually say, "Dylan Blake - failed pimp"

  2. i adore you sometimes, bells. let's talk the contrast between lumberjack and the once fashionable manorexia next.
    WHERE IS ZZ TOP? i heard those boys got offered a lot of money to shave their beards for a razor commercial, but remained true, that, my dear, is commitment.

    anyway, you're doing so well, sweetheart.
    love, callie

  3. Urgh! Can't believe I had a beard once...

  4. Agreed.

    That, and this has once again proven to me and hopefully everyone else who reads this, that beards do indeed make this world a better place.

    I mean. Who can be unhappy with a beard?

  5. this is the best post.
    ever. the whole world.

  6. this give me and every other man to grow a mad beard ^_^ my photo of gid is also well used :P

  7. beards are a machine gun,on your face.

  8. ahhaaha. i couldn't agree more with you guys!

  9. I like a clean shaven man . . . don't hate me!
    maybe stubble on the right face.

    this post may sway my opinion a bit though.

  10. I have had many internal struggles with the idea of enjoying the presence of excessive hair on the male face, whether he is manly or not.

    The thought of being able to 'style' the hair scares me. It's like a small child; it needs grooming and constant attention. If not maintained, very strange things can happen.>

    However, after reading this post I somewhat feel compelled to appreciate the power a beard holds.
    Reading-- "So the facial hair-a-thon that has gripped the world should more than likely not grip every face. I believe that to pull off a beard you need to have an almost majestic strongly masculine feel." has open my eyes to a whole new man:

    The Majestic Bearded Man of Gold.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Five years later and I'm still bearding strong.
